EL Ephraim
My name is “El” Ephraim. I was born December 15th, 1979 in New York City. I am also the youngest son of my father’s seven children. Ever since I could remember I have always illustrated, especially anything I found that interested me. I was a decent student and teachers always acknowledged I was bright but when it came to arts and craft assignments, I really shined. Illustration comes second nature to me I often find myself drawing and creating characters without thinking. Eventually I went to The Art Institute of New York where I received my Associates Degree in Graphics/Web Design. Drumming like art has always been apart of my life. Watching my older brother and cousins play every week had a lasting affect on me. So, when the opportunity came to make money doing what I love, the choice was easy. It was all fun and games until the 2003 blackout in New York City. The subway system was out of commission and we were out of work. This is when I realized how tentative our position on the train was. Recognizing social media as a tool to reach more people creating greater opportunities for ourselves. I began to use social media sites to gain notoriety and expose the world to what we do. My objective being to network with the right people that will invest in our company. Since then I’m am proud to say I now have a team of capable individuals, who have the same drive and passion I do for success. We have created a brand and built a website that is known globally. Also, we have collaborated with various brands making long lasting connections. My goal for the future is to continue to think of new ways to enhance our company and make our brand The Last Drummers a household name. I get my entrepreneurial spirit from my father, who I hope is proud of what we’ve accomplished so far.